Your Association's
AI Knowledge Assistant
Hi, I’m Betty! Built specifically for associations, I connect your members to knowledge.

See Betty at Work
Betty Helps STEM Organizations

Provide quick answers to complex questions.

Access decades of researched industry knowledge, standards and best practices.

Uncover member needs and interests.

Help members grow in their career.

Meet Anita: ASNT’s Betty
Users have asked Anita:

Toni Kervina, Director of Content | ASNT
Betty Helps Medical Societies

Provide answers to clinical questions at the point of care.

Empower nurses with accessible information.

Deliver tailored educational content based on members’ knowledge needs.

Supporting clinical staff in their workflow

Meet Ivy: INS' Betty
Users have asked Ivy:

Maria Connors, MBA, CAE, Chief Operating Officer | INS
Betty Helps Trade Associations

Share industry-specific knowledge.

Provide updated safety information and guidelines.

Write compelling marketing and sales content.

Capture user feedback for learning and insights

Meet AIMIE: MRAA’s Betty
Users have asked AIMIE:

Matt Gruhn, President | MRAA
Betty Helps Professional Societies

Communicate in multiple languages.

Make content accessible to a global membership.

Simplify technical content.

Improve member engagement with organizational knowledge.

Meet Mimo: ISA’s Betty
Users have asked Mimo:
Jason Wampler, Managing Director of IT | ISA